Wednesday, March 10, 2010


What is divine in you?

What is divine in you is consciousness and energy being frozen through the mechanics of a human being.

Why is that important? Because if you are surrounded with this – energy – and you must be surrounded with the unravelling or ravelling or tightening down; This is all around you – then what is it that affects this field?

Thought and it is called the Observer. 

And where is the Observer?
The Observer is in your head.

Now if you have the power to create your reality, it means that you have the power to affect this field, this field right here – the auric field. And what is this field? All of this – seven levels in different stages all the way back up to here – point zero -. And what is it about you that can affect this field?

Well, if you are this entity here – Observer – and you are having a thought right here – frontal lobe, then you are affecting the field around you!

How do you do that?

All matter – all mass – what you are sitting on, what you are wearing, what your body is made up of – is made up of subatomic particles
How many of you have heard of atoms? Don’t you find it interesting that atoms and Adam sound similar – the first man, the first particle? What do you think an atom looks like? It has a nucleus, correct? Don’t do to sleep now!
What is composed in the nucleus? Protons! 
What else? What is inside a proton?
A quark! So where did they come from? 
Right here – the sixth plane – is the quark field. 
Down here is the proton field – the fifth plane. 
Down here on the fourth plane is the closure of the nucleus and all down here – first, second & third planes – is the racing of matter and anti-matter – commonly called electrons and positrons.

So ... all an atom is – is the availability of potential!
If you unfurl an atom at nucleus level, you have an atomic bomb.
How many of you have heard of the power of an atom bomb?
Isn't it interesting that the energy comes from that which is hidden?

The smaller the particle – the more powerful the energy!

Did it ever occur to you beginners, where that energy came from? Perhaps the energy that is unfurled in the splitting of the nucleus is really splitting apart this coiled energy that has been tightened down through the slowing of time.

Does that make sensical logic to you? Is that a nice philosophy?
Because if you rupture it, the kind of energy that you get, is the sort of energy that is common on these levels. And that is what an atom is. 

All it is – is that which is hidden – seven levels of reality in a particle!

Now what affects the atom?
If all matter is made up of atoms, how did it get there?
All an atom is, is atmospheres of other planes coagulated and closed. Are they sensitive? Well, if we have a nucleus here and then we have the outer shell here and we have orbiting electrons and positrons, that then means that every electron that moves around this atom moves around it because we allow it to move around the atom.

And how is it that we allow? We take it for granted f course!
In other words, you are the Observer!
If you focused on this particular particles – this atom – if you focused on its electrons – you could reverse the spin of the electrons of this atom.

Why could you do that? Because that is your divine nature!

If you are supposed to evolve and to make known the unknown, what is the faculty in you that is responsible for doing it? It’s focused consciousness!

When you have a thought and if you were to focus on this atom by adding electrons or taking them away, you would change the nature of its energy.
The field that exists between you and I, you don’t see. 
And because you don’t see it, it is doing this – moving – in motion – momentum.
The moment you stop to look at the atmosphere between you and I, you start to see little lights. How many of you have seen those? You have? And someone told you that was just something happening in your eyeball? That is not anything happening with you eyeball. Those little lights are, in effect, this energy wave collapsing into a particle with an orbital light, which is called an electron. The moment you stop focusing on the invisible field, the lights disappear. Then all you see is what you are looking at in the near distance, you to I and I to you. As long as you ignore this field, it stays inert, meaning you don’t activate it so it stays status quo. The moment that you focus on what is hidden, you unveil what is hidden.

Now consciousness and energy creates the nature of reality. Any solid object is made solid by the creator of that object. And the creator of that object agrees that it is solid so it stays solid. But the truth is when you go to sleep tonight your bedroom will disappear, or it will fuzz out and the light in your refrigerator will fade the moment that you go to sleep. You are no longer observing your room, etc. And the moment you no longer observe your room, it fuzzes out. How many of you agree? It is the way it is!

Now before you start to get technical with disproving me – let’s see if you can follow this line of thinking to the point of grasping a principle taught to change your life.

Now then how is it that you can open one little eyelid and gaze upon the room and see everything the way it is supposed to be? Well, who determines that it is going to be that way? How many say you do? You are correct!

But if you woke up one morning and saw that you were in the twenty- third universe? What would happen to your room?

Well, it depends – you see this is a trap – because if you woke up thinking that you were in the 23rd universe and knew absolutely that you were there – it would be clear. The moment you asked yourself what happened to my room – you would wake up. You got it? You are so powerful that whatever you put here – frontal lobe – no matter if it is trash or divinity – it affects energy!

Whatsoever you think is either freeing energy up from its past or collapsing it into its future. Now I want you to take your arms and do this – Mexican wave with your arm! This is energy flowing – come on – when we allow it to be, it is moving like your arm. What happens when we focus on it? That's it – it becomes mass – a fist. What happens when we forget about it? It’s party time – Mexican wave.

Now down here you have a fabulous atmosphere for all these potentials, but what happens and the reason people stay on the same timelines incarnation after incarnation is because what they have done is they have given their conscious power over to the needs of their body. And so, once they do, they are born into a body who is genetically predisposed to be a certain way. And so, they allow the body to grow up and have its way. The body is on a genetic automatic pilot – are you with me?

Now as long as the body is on automatic pilot, it means everything is set for your life. Nothing is moving in and out of it - it is all set. So, you go day by day allowing your body to create reality.

What does your body know about creating reality?
It knows only to survive and that it needs food to survive and that it needs sleep and that it needs to be urinated. It needs to have its waste removed from it and, after a rest, it is rejuvenated. That is what it knows – that is called survival.

Most people, although highly educated, never get beyond the level of survival in their life. They never move into free space of creativity and so magic never happens to them. If the body and the brain are operating on a day to day life, then what is tomorrow going to bring? You know what tomorrow is going to bring because you have lived millions of tomorrows, so your tomorrow is just your past. And, if you go to in this school and you learn all this knowledge, all it is – is memorized theory. And the only reason you learn that is, so that you can make a living to feed your body. How many of you understand?

So now, if you are magnetically attracted to another person, you may never have been ever attracted to this Spirit before but you are attracted to this body type. And why? Because the body type is equal to the body type and complements the one you have. There is a magnetic resonance involved. So you’re having this relationship and there is copulation; then you bear children. What kind of children are you going to have? You are going to have children that are slightly improved from you, but, are they born with an ability to intuitively create – or are they needing to be educated in order to create?

How many lives do you think you have lived like this to where you have just allowed your body to dictate your life?

Why is magic so important? Because magic, never happens openly to those who are living a life dictated by their genetics. Why? Because the Observer in us – the Spirit is us – is what has the power to reveal what is hidden, not the body. But, if we are weak and live only for our material self, we never develop the focus necessary to unveil the distance between you and I into a reality.

You want to get away from this life? You think it is so terrible?
It is a blessing no matter if you die tonight; you are going to be born back into this existence. And what kind of parents are you going to come back to?
To those that are equal to your level of acceptance now. And then you are going to be born again. This body and this brain are going to die, and all of its cognitive memory will perish with it. Now you are in a brand new body that you have to go about learning again and are a little uncertain about its genetic programming.

In the new life, you won’t remember the old one. And again,you think that this is bad and you want to get out of this life, but you are just jumping into another fire. And do you know how many times you have been doing it? For eons! Let us say, safely, that you have been on a static progress for thousands of years.

Who is responsible for all this technology? A few people! 
And why did they bring about such technology?
Because those beings had an ability that you are going to learn – you are going to be inspired – and you are going to develop. It is the ability of imagination to take knowledge, and put it together in building blocks of thoughtful creativity and then, be possessed of that thought.

If you are possessed of such an imagination for a period of time and your level of acceptance is that you accept it, that thought is going to affect this field and what used to be will dissolve and move into a liquid state. Imagination will re-affect this state and re-coagulates, not as it used to be as it will be.

Spiritual people are the people who have led discovery. Spiritual people have been the philosophers of old that have given to you and your generations the groundwork of a philosophy that always talks of what is hidden within the individual. And, it has only been a few sparkled through every civilization that have made an impact on the culture as a whole. You were not responsible for the microchip; you were not responsible for the physics of microchips. You were not the creator of rupturing the nucleus of an atom, nor were you the entity who created telepathic uses in the form of a telephone. You did not create the microwave. You did not create the television. You did not create the automachine. You did not weave the carpet you are sitting on.

So what did you do? You worked for them.

Now - when we wake up consciously, there comes a moment when we know. I had my moment and you will have yours. And in that moment, we are suddenly separated from our ignorance and uplifted into a mist of freedom called Knowingness. The moment that you know that your focused thought affects life – when you really know that – is the moment that you will start to take care to discipline your thinking, because if it runs away with you – it will destroy you.

If the Spirit is awakened in it, it will liberate you!

Joy is not in being physical – it is in being the lord of the physical – not its slave.

So if you have created everything in your life – and you have! – people – you are responsible for everything you have done for yourself. You are responsible for your successes and your failures, and it is you who determined if they were a success or a failure. If you are the person responsible for your happiness or your depression, it is you who chose to feel those ways... and it was as simple as that and always has been.

The moment that, you know, that your mind can shift this and accelerate it – the moment you know that – your life changes in that moment. And how does it change? It says now I know the power was within me that whatsoever I think, I create. My reality is only equal to my runaways thinking.

But what if I were to sit down still for one moment and ask myself what I want from life?

  • What is it that I have never known?
  • What is it that I have never experienced?
  • What about myself? If I use less than a tenth of my brain, what must I do to activate the rest of it?
  • And what far potential would I possess if indeed I could do that?

Now go make your list! What would you want to do?
If your life could be longer and you could change anything according to what you are thinking and according to your acceptance, how different would you be today?
Vastly different – because at that moment, you would understand that the brain operates on flashes of pictures, holograms – and that every time they flash, we call this thinking and that each flash – occupies this space right here – frontal lobe. And every time it flashes from frontal lobe it affects the energy field within you and around you seven levels.

What if then I could draw a thought and what if I could hold that thought right here for a deliberate period of time?
Would the same law apply to be a deliberate user of the Observer’s principle in creating reality?
Indeed it will – because the moment you hold it in frontal lobe – it is utter acceptance – and it’s the moment you change your timeline. Everything starts to change in a flux. When you dream here – in frontal lobe – what you hold right there – when you get up your life as up to now lived, it will fall apart.

And you will say: this is not what I saw – yes, it is what you saw because as everything falls apart, what we are saying is if we could dismantle the particles of a table, the table would disappear and what we would have would be a radiant light field where the table once was.

That is change is it not? So, how constricted is your life? The life that you have had on this timeline has been stuck and keeps reincarnating itself.
What is beyond this place? Is there more to live, more to be, more to know? There is indeed!

But what must you do to get in the timeline? You have to dissolve the past, because everyone in this rooms thinks in terms of future based on their past. And what holds you here? Guilt, negativity, fear, and you are afraid to change.
So what happens when you focus on something wonderful in your life?
A lot of things in your life are going to fall apart.
Because the energy that holds them together MUST be liberated so that what you are wanting can be Re-formed in matter.

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