Thursday, December 2, 2010


Remember when we were kids...  and every day was an adventure. 
The grass was greener, the sky more blue, and the stars shone brighter.

And our futures went on forever - as far as the eye could see. 
There was no stopping us.  Go ahead, let 'em try! 

We marched at each day break and conquered the world by nightfall. Life was full of endless possibilities...

Can you think back to those times and to your hopes and dreams for the future?

Astronaut, President, Football Hero, Rock Singer, Doctor, Baseball Legend, Famous Artist, Movie Star, Scientist...

How clear the path to each one...

Or maybe you only knew that you were destined for greatness.
But you were sure it was coming... Because that's all it took.

Your unwavering belief in yourself.  Your absolute determination.
The certainty of youth! 

Congratulate yourself if you reached those goals.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


As human beings, we operate daily reflecting a wide range of emotions with a multitude of motivations fueling our behaviors. All too often, we react emotionally to what others say or do. If our reactions are preceded by the emotions of fear, anger, or sadness, we forfeit our ability to act with personal power and effectiveness in lieu of a knee-jerk response.

This reaction is all too often sourced in fear and low self-esteem. We may focus on what's wrong with us and our lives or fear being controlled, hurt, or taken advantage of. We may overlook the many things we have in our lives for which we should rightly be grateful. When we doubt our ability to thrive and access the abundance we see all around us in the world, we react instead from the concern of scarcity and the expectation of failure, hurt, and disappointment.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Why are so many of us allowing our thoughts and beliefs to ruin our health, our relationships, our dreams, etc?

Surely when we understand that we have control over these, we can just change our thoughts and beliefs and hey, presto – all areas of our lives are sorted!

The answer is we can – we certainly have all power to do just that – its just not as straightforward as that.

Have you ever tried to change your mental patterns by sheer will power?

Then you know its not that simple!




Orthodox science and medicine have held that genes are in charge of our health.  Thus, they saw health as a matter of luck, reserved for those with ‘good' genes.  This belief system has prevailed for a long time.
However, a revolution in biology – The New Biology – has shown that the cells of your body are effected by your thoughts and beliefs, and this then affects your health and wellbeing on every level.

This evolution in science enables us to transform ourselves from victims to masters of our health and of our own lives.  Regrettably, this has not yet reached healthcare systems or the general populace.  And so, the worlds is filled still with people who believe and live in the fear that their genes are about to turn on them at any moment.


I cannot emphasize enough the importance and power of doing affirmations and visualizations daily!

Science has discovered that, our brains make neural connections through the synapses. These connections, are made through hormonal flows carried by the neurotransmitters in the brain. Together, they create the mental patterns that you are currently enjoying through your emotional associations.

If, your dominant thoughts are negative, then these connections will be predominantly imprinted with your emotional flow of chemicals carried and, thus flooding your body. They will bring to you equal to what you are thinking.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Now does consciousness and energy on the Plane of Bliss work on the earth plane? Absolutely – it does, because what happens at the lake of tranquility?! In contemplation, as we contemplate, as we view, as we remarkably and daringly become the whole self in any situation, we also become that which is every desire. 

It is not simply, a place where we dream of our life, and there we can have the long dreams – very long dreams. That oftentimes is the greatest healer of all, because the dreams can become so impassionate – impassionate in the Plane of Bliss Is to be analogical – that they become so analogical and so impactful that the whole of the Being is there and transformed in the midst of the dream itself, and there they have dreamt dreams.

And you have done the same thing, especially when something tells you you can do that, that by virtue of dreaming it, what happens? 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Success to Grow or Grow to Success?

You will be very hard pressed to have any path to success, without having good attitudes about yourself and about life. Without good attitudes towards everything, it would be nigh impossible for you to be successful.

Look around you, see the people you admire the most. Really look at them. Better yet, speak to them. Find out what makes them successful. Speak to as many successful people as you can find, willing to share with you, the secrets of their success.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

1 Important KEY To YOUR Sucess

Have you noticed that the written word has opened up many doors over the last two centuries? And have you noticed also, that the media (written or watched), has brought great changes in just a few years to our education and, to our ability to be informed within seconds?

As much as the last fifty years have taken great leaps in giving us information at the tips of our fingertips, from typewriter to telex, to fax, to TV, to cell phones and to computers, it has also made huge demands on us both, individually and collectively.

Friday, April 9, 2010

THE GIFT OF LOVE (An excerpt from Teachings)

There is no such thing as the will of God, apart from your own divine will. If God wanted life to be the mundaness of a singular expression, he never would have created you into being, nor would he have given you the will to express your own purposeful uniqueness.

What is called the will of God was created by man so that he could govern and control his brothers. Yet if you believe that teaching and see God’s will as separate from yours, then you will always be in the battle of his will versus yours, for you will want to do certain things and feel you must,; yet the will of God says you must not.

God is not separate from you – you and He are One and the same.
Your will is His will.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


What is divine in you?

What is divine in you is consciousness and energy being frozen through the mechanics of a human being.

Why is that important? Because if you are surrounded with this – energy – and you must be surrounded with the unravelling or ravelling or tightening down; This is all around you – then what is it that affects this field?

Thought and it is called the Observer. 

And where is the Observer?
The Observer is in your head.

