As much as the last fifty years have taken great leaps in giving us information at the tips of our fingertips, from typewriter to telex, to fax, to TV, to cell phones and to computers, it has also made huge demands on us both, individually and collectively.
Equally, we have also become over-stimulated with visuals and under-stimulated in real knowledge, the knowledge of self.
As time flies by, we have the distinct feeling that no matter how we try to catch up to technology, we keep sliding backwards through the distractions media of all forms afford us. We keep moving away from ourselves and into the world. We keep losing ourselves in, only the physical expression of what we are, and becoming more and more remiss of attending to the other aspects of being ourselves fully.
In some things, despite loving the progress that technology has endowed me, I am very much 'old school'. It is not, because I am against the fast pace of any technology. It is simply, because I enjoy some of these 'old ways'. I see the merit in them and, I know it keeps my mind well trained to see past the fluff of technology.
As an example, there is very little TV that can compare to the value of reading good books. They stretch one's mind, they enable us to express ourselves better through language, they titillate our imagination and they keep our brains as fit, if not fitter, than our bodies.
So, when I take my students, (and I do realize the challenges they face)in my sessions with them, it gives me the opportunity to let them relax their overloaded sensory brain by, doing simple exercises of Mind. Things that allow their mind to enjoy itself!
I know for a fact that, their progress in life depends on their thoughts and the quality of their thinking. Mark Twain said, "The person who won't read is no better than the one who can't". This is powerful and very meaningful.
There is no way, you can truly progress in life without reading and, engaging the things that help you grow yourself. I turn my students onto good books and various audio material because, I care for the quality of their thinking and encourage them to love their mind. Without it, they will never discover their potential so, I owe them that enthusiasm to point the way to them discovering that for themselves.
I do realize, that most of society scoff at the idea of self-development and self-improvement. They think it is all about positive thinking and fooling yourself. But, if you are intent on scoffing whilst, calling yourself a realist, then let me point you to a fact. The fact is, that the greats which we look up to, realists included, their lives have proven the validity in making this simple practice of reading, listening, developing and improvement with those very tools.
It is erroneous to surmise that, only people who have dire problems need to read and listen to such material. The greats, like Tony Robbins, Mandela, Robert Kiyosaki, Richard Branson (to name a few), to this daystill do read and listen to new material. And, what's more, they do so daily.
They certainly, do not do it because, their lives are messed and so, in desperation, they turn to this practice.
They do it, because they are committed to ever greater levels of success in themselves in all areas of their lives. They are not satisfied until they are improved daily on something. And, they know, that these simple methods continue to work wonders in their lives. They are, the living proof of the motivation of it, and so they keep at enlarging that experience of themselves.
It's a statistical fact, that people who read a lot have fewer problems, express themselves well and, they find solutions faster than those who don't or won't.
Those who take that time, daily, to read personal development books KNOW, not only their value but also, the truth about them.
Another fact is that, when you work at something you become good at it. It is the same with self-development and self-improvement!
- A beautiful painting is only so because, you worked at it and in it.
- A well designed car is only so because, you worked at it and in it.
- A well decorated house is only so because, you worked at it and in it.
- Your body is only in shape because you worked at it and still do.
- Your driving is only good because you worked at it and still do.
Notice, I did not say brain! The brain is already overloaded, with the visuals and auditory ditties, we are bombarded with every single moment of our lives.
In asking about your mind, I am making an inquiry to the state of your thinking, its quality and its resonance.
People whose lives are moving forward steadily and progressively, are reading motivational and self-development books.They ARE the builders of their own lives. They ARE the innovators of their own future.
Those who live good lives, got there by first, feeding their minds with positive stimulation. They are those who, when they were struggling, as most of us do in our beginning, stopped themselves from buying the "22 inch TV set with their first savings. Why did they do that? Because, they knew that would only distract them from their goals and therefore, their successes. They understood that, in favoring the entertainment, they would only numb their mind to the nuances of their progress.
Instead, they fed their minds with the gourmet meals of greatness, they applied all its nutrients and discovered the empowering energy that worked for them. They continue to grow their possibilities by advancing their now more muscled mind!
YOU CAN TOO! Your choice!
Stay where you are or MOVE to where you want to be!
Use this 1 important key for your success and that is, read and listen to self-development works.
KEY IN to your masterful greatness!
You can and I know you will!
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