Look around you, see the people you admire the most. Really look at them. Better yet, speak to them. Find out what makes them successful. Speak to as many successful people as you can find, willing to share with you, the secrets of their success.
After you have sifted through what they explain to you, you will begin to notice that the foremost quality these people have is good attitudes.
They have:
- Great Attitudes of Succeeding
- Great Attitudes of Change
- Great Attitudes of Positive Expectations
- Great Attitudes of Character
- Great Attitudes of Sharing
- Great Attitudes of Being Connected
- Great Attitudes of Presence
- Great Attitudes of Focus
- Great Attitudes of Determination
- Great Attitudes of Self-Discipline
So, what makes them different to you?
Firstly, choice! They made different choices of being, than you. They chose not to follow the mainstream of the general populace - downstream. Downstream is the path of the masses and, they chose differently for themselves. They recognized that they had to change their thoughts, their attitudes and their direction in life. They knew that, if they were to live a different life to the rest of humanity, they would have to be like the ones that are different. They, like you, right now, went forth asking successful people what made them the 3% of the world that truly succeeded. And, after they got their answers, they changed and chose, to live well instead of staying in their misery.
Have you noticed that most of our fellow men (here I mean, human kind, not gender), have stopped wanting greatness?
Sure, they want a new car, a fancy couch/painting to brag over with friends. They want a new job and good education for their kids.
But, what of their own wants of greatness? What of the wants they wanted in their early twenties? What happened to those???
They allowed life to so calcify them, that they instead filled their lives with the misery from not wanting. It is safer, you see, than meeting with disappointment. They chose to sit around totally inept for the satisfaction of no longer desiring what was once theirs in the first place. They remain frustrated and bored to tears yet, still stay seated to their situations doing nothing to change it.
What did they lose? They lost that all consuming desire, that all encompassing feeling that they absolutely MUST HAVE what they want!
Let's face it, if they still had it, they would have been off that chair, just dying to make it happen.
What will it take for you to live your dreams?
Well, for one, you will have to be willing to change.
Change to what?
To whatever you want your life to be; to be all you are capable of.
The fact is that, if you don't change yourself, your life will remain where it is now, if not progressively worse. And, your pain will increase because, it's not that you desire and don't accomplish. Your pain comes from wanting but doing nothing to change yourself to get it.
Why do you HAVE to change?
Let me ask you this: Has being the way you are to this point, given you the results of your dreams fulfilled? Has it?
If, your answer is No, then that is why you MUST CHANGE!
The choice is yours. Stay the same and the same life will be for you. Change and a new adventure begins.
How do you change?
Here's a few questions to ask yourself to put you on the right track:
- What do I want?
- What kind of person do I have to be to make my dreams a reality?
- What characteristics of personality must I have to fulfill my dreams?
- What do I need to learn to ensure my success and growth?
- Set written goals (must be written or it's just wishful fluffing)
- Set dates for accomplishing them (dates keep you on tract and motivate you)
- Write down affirmations - to make firm your dreams (Affirmations are positive statements worded in the present tense about your goals and your good qualities) - they will help you keep focused and will help you change your negative thinking to positive
- Visualize - a very important step, as it solidifies your dreams. It will help you make them happen faster. See yourself having your goal/s, enjoying them, feeling them, and using as many senses in the visualization as you can muster.
If, with what you are now, you get what you want, that is truly fantastic. But, if you stay as you are getting what you want, then quite frankly you don't want nearly enough!
Consistent success progressively allows you to grow. As you change yourself, more and more, so will your self-knowledge grow, your knowledge of being greater and better and so, you will you grow in your want for that growth and your successes will reflect it. Your wisdom, grows exponentially with your understanding.
You will notice, that with each success, even your thinking has changed. You now understand that, no success can occur without, the right thoughts and attitudes.
Ask yourself often: Am I getting where I want to be?
If not, it's probably your thinking that needs adjusting.
But, as you grow, you will become more aware of your thinking, you will become more demanding of your right thinking precisely because, it guarantees your success. Recognizing your thinking as it changes and enlarges. is already a huge mountain climbed for you.
Whatever, you have accomplished so far, has come about solely from everything you have ever done and, that was germinated from what you thought.
Now, that you are on the right path to your success and growth, you know that you have a high level of life and, you also have a high quality of thought.
Thought = Having
Thought = Actions = Results
What results will you be getting from now on?
Think Great!
Change Great!
Live Great!
I salute you in your success and ever expanding growth.
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