Friday, November 19, 2010


Why are so many of us allowing our thoughts and beliefs to ruin our health, our relationships, our dreams, etc?

Surely when we understand that we have control over these, we can just change our thoughts and beliefs and hey, presto – all areas of our lives are sorted!

The answer is we can – we certainly have all power to do just that – its just not as straightforward as that.

Have you ever tried to change your mental patterns by sheer will power?

Then you know its not that simple!

We all decide and can do so consciously – however, 95-99% of our behaviour is controlled by the subconscious mind. The subconscious processes 20 million stimuli per second from your environment. Your conscious mind interprets just 40. While your conscious mind handles a few tasks at a time, the subconscious mind handles thousands.

Don’t believe me?

How many things can you think of that you do automatically? – getting up, making breakfast, brushing teeth, shaving a shower, going to work!

We are on autopilot most of the time, and this is the domain of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind – one of the most powerful information processors we know – observes both the surrounding world and the body’s internal awareness, reads environmental cues and immediately engages previously acquired (learned) behaviours.

All – without the help, supervision or even awareness of your conscious mind.

Our beliefs about life, the world, our place in it, our abilities, our health and our prospects are also held in our subconscious mind.  Some of them are nurturing, self-supporting and encouraging. But most, are likely to be, self-deprecatory, undermining and self-critical.

Either way, they all have effect on our biology. Most importantly, belifes are formed in the first 6 years of our lives. Between birth and 2 years, babies are mostly in a state of Delta brainwave activity. Between 2-6 years, children are predominantly is a state of Theta brainwave activity. Delta and Theta are the brainwaves that hypnotherapists drop their clients into in order to make them more suggestible. That, is why children are like sponges, absorbing the beliefs, attitudes and behaviours of the adults around them who were also exposed to the same thing from birth themselves.

From the perspective of fields, they learn, from the information that is transmitted at a vibrational level through the morphic fields surrounding them. This is useful and positive in the use of forming boundaries. Boundaries are necessary for survival. Without them, a child does not know the difference between safety and danger.

As adults though, we keep running the same programmes we received in childhood in our heads – reinforcing them and mostly to our detriment.  From a spiritual perspective, we always know that parents do their best with what they know and we remember that we all grew up within this understanding and were subjugated to societal rule to self-derigion. But, we do not have to stay in those states and can break the mental and emotional patterns ourselves.

And thankfully, today we live in an era where we have a plethora of techniques that help us resolve our inner conflicts and misconceptions, to reclaim our own control over our own thoughts, our beliefs and of our bodies, right down to our molecular structures and thus all our fields.

THIS - is how we Can create the matter that matters to us individually!

(I share this with you because it is important and it is from an unknown source)
Hope it has brought you some light and it has been of interest to you.


johan said...

the subconscious may process 20m processes per second, but trillions of neutrinos passes through our bodies per second - and you think they have no effect?

Unknown said...

Of course they do! No-one denies that all things have an effect - all one can do is choose what does!

And all those trillions of neurons going through our bodies are thankfully on automatic for our bodily processes mostly.

The rest is up to each individual to change and alter and modify that which does not work for him/her and implant the things that do one day at a time or one overcome issue at a time - however you choose!

