Science has discovered that, our brains make neural connections through the synapses. These connections, are made through hormonal flows carried by the neurotransmitters in the brain. Together, they create the mental patterns that you are currently enjoying through your emotional associations.
If, your dominant thoughts are negative, then these connections will be predominantly imprinted with your emotional flow of chemicals carried and, thus flooding your body. They will bring to you equal to what you are thinking.
By the same token, a positive like healing - and given that, there have been many case studies to support this fact - shows us, just how powerful our brains really are. There have been cases of people healing themselves, through visualizing their bodies in full health and so, they healed rather quickly. In many of these cases, their healing was assisted by combining affirmations to their visualizations.
Again, scientifically speaking, it has also been proven in studies conducted throughout the world and, you can look it up for your own edification - that your words and your thoughts will strengthen the synaptic connections in your brain. And, what's more, they actually alter and modify the neural patterns themselves.
If, you can consider for a moment, that your reality thus far, has been negative based, then you may concede that your neural patterns have been affirmed and visualized that way. In this manner, they have become your point of attraction in the conditions in your life and there from, your reality as it stands today.
The same principle holds true, when you feed your mind with positive affirmations and holographicaly imagine the same positive visualizations to correspond with your words.
When you consider, that every thought you have had, has cause the changes in your brain, then you can see how and why, affirmations and visualization works. They work because, every time you do these two, of paramount importance principles daily, it creates microscopic changes to the structure of your brain.
Now, that you intentionally want to change your circumstances, by re-wiring your brain, it makes sense to also intentionally, place new paradigms of thought into your own brain, for the purpose of altering your point of attraction. Now this you want, because you can agree, that everything that you physically do and think - when repeated - will change the electromagnetic field around your body.
This way, consistently practiced, you are assured of altering your mental patterns and, they in turn, through the modification of the structure of its sub-atomical cellular composition, will attract to you whatever you now positively think, guaranteeing you a brand new and wonderful life.
So, can affirmations and visualizations work for you?
YES! You have seen it work already by affirming and imagining the worse into your life.
Can positive affirmations and visualization work for you?
YES! The principle is the same, it takes the same amount of energy, with the only difference being that the results are now in your favor.
- You can change your life - with affirmations and visualizations
- You can change your body - with affirmations and visualizations
- You can change anything you want - with affirmations and visualizations
- You can change anything about you - with affirmations and visualizations
Because affirmations and visualizations, change the actual structure of your brain, it creates new highways of thought for you to commute to, new dimensions to travel. It makes possible that your power point of attraction, draws to you like a magnet, your new you giving yourself a new life.
So - make a list of what you want to change in your thinking. Create positive present tensed affirmations and say them aloud every day. Make vision boards of all your goals, paste pictures that represent imagery you want to possess in your life, be it a good body, to study, to travel the world and, when you look at them each day, preferably upon awakening, then visualize yourself having all that you see on your boards. Feel it with your whole being. It will motivate you and it will speed up the manifestation process. Then affirm again that all this is yours, that you are a brand new person with a brand new brilliance of thought and therefore of life.
Go for it!
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