How are your feelings today?
And how well have you integrated your feelings into your life so far?
When you take into account all that you know and that your behavior has reflected into everything that you have ever done, then you are sure to know that your feelings are part of you. They are the life blood of all you are.
- What are you passionate about?
- Do you often feel excitement energy coursing through your veins?
- Have you ever asked yourself these questions?
- And what feelings arose when you did?
Without asking yourself these questions, you are bound to never find the answers or solutions you seek. Not asking them of yourself will never give you the option to take action on the knowledge that comes through its query. If you choose to ignore the feelings that arise from asking yourself pointed questions, it will lead to you expressing them in other ways. Probably in negative ways which, I am certain, you have done many a time.
What stops you from saying what you feel? Is it poor self-esteem?
Is it a lack of skill or knowledge of description?
You can probably think of countless situations you have been in, where you wanted to say something but could not think of a rebuttal or a way to explain yourself. Did your feelings get in the way? Or did you just feel that if was wiser not to express your thoughts on the matter?
This often happens and, I find that this is mostly due to the fact that, we have been taught to keep things bottled up. We have been conditioned to bury our feelings and, so we have numbed our experience of ourselves and our life.
Do you think that this may have led you to your not being understood? And, has keeping things to yourself, kept people from knowing you?
The fact is that no-one can know you without you expressing your feelings. No-one can share themselves with you if you don't share your true self with them. Do you not share yourself because you are afraid they won't like the 'real' you; the vulnerable you; the insecure you? Or, are you scared they will see the brilliant you?
Let's take a look at the negative side of not sharing who you are with all your negative feelings about yourself and the world. If you keep ignoring and disguising your feelings, let me tell you, they are not going to go away. They are already in your DNA structure and scientists have discovered tat every emotion that we have gets recorded in the cells of our body. So, good or bad, your feelings need to be addressed and, dealt with.
I am sure, you have a storehouse of tools, you have been using to 'manage' your feelings. Some have left you sleepless and others have made you resort to your medicine cabinet. Have your feelings been sorted with three aspirin? Did you stay up all night watching TV, reading or surfing the net, just so you wouldn't have to think of your feelings?
Now is the time to change all that!.
Let me ask you this: is it possible that all your negative feelings about yourself, others and the world, could be due to misinformation on your part? Could it be, that you have false negative beliefs? And, have these falsely accepted beliefs robbed you of a great portion of your life?
Actually, it takes the same amount of time, effort and energy to feed your negative feelings as it does your positive ones. Has giving your negative feelings lip service served you? Has feeding them changed your life for the better?
So, stop!
Start to tell people how you feel. Let them see the great person that you are. Let them in on the wonderful things that you do. And remember to tell yourself the same. Because, the first person who needs to see the positive in you IS you. The first person that needs to feel good about yourself is you. And, the first person that needs to enjoy those good feelings about yourself is you.
Now, deal with all your bad feelings and resolve them!
You may even surprise yourself and discover that your feelings hold within their negativity, something positive for you to put into action. Once you have put your past to rest, do allow yourself to express your truer feelings about yourself.
Be dazzled by yourself! Be passionate about these new feelings and new possibilities. Make these possibilities your choice of life. And, make your choice of life be the jewels that crown all your feelings and experiences.
Feel greatly! Let it show you how alive you are and let it expand you and your delight in life, moment by moment.
Live your great feelings!
Hi I'm A.V.(everyone calls me that) and I have established myself as a top coaching specialist/analyst and do my part to improve world economies through advanced people potential skills.
I am well respected as a foremost expert on personal and professional advancement. I have become quite well known and renowned to my students as well as clients as a coach,growth consultant, seminar facilitator, public speaker, change agent and soon to be author.
Having also been involved in the Spiritual side of Life, I am a Light-worker who lends herself to all aspects of the Life Force, energy in Quantum Mechanics. I have taught, coached, counselled candidates for various fields of alternative medicine, healing arts and various aspects of the premises of the creation process!
Please feel free to visit my corporate website for further information and I look forward to being of service to you!
My site: http://avatarinc.yolasite.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Angelica_Valerio
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6887635
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