It is not simply, a place where we dream of our life, and there we can have the long dreams – very long dreams. That oftentimes is the greatest healer of all, because the dreams can become so impassionate – impassionate in the Plane of Bliss Is to be analogical – that they become so analogical and so impactful that the whole of the Being is there and transformed in the midst of the dream itself, and there they have dreamt dreams.
And you have done the same thing, especially when something tells you you can do that, that by virtue of dreaming it, what happens?
Well, on the Plane of Bliss when the whole self is empowered and it analogically conceives a world, a life, an experience - it is not a matter of are you focusing there as a discipline. You really are just that!
No matter what you do, you are in a state of focus that is very profound and so easy because, that is the natural state on Bliss. You do not have a physical body pulling at you to take care of, unless, you have been so physical that the idea of self cannot be understood unless, it is understood inside of a body.
But, for the most part you are caught up in your spiritual body – beautiful, exquisite body, you know – and it doesn’t pull on you. You do not have body problems.
So naturally, what happens in a state to where the self then is in contemplation or is in a dream?
They are totally in a dream. There is no pull, none – so that is the state on Bliss.
How powerful is this?
Here when you come to this mystery school and you learn – and I then endeavour for you, beseech you to carry that out in your life – I am endeavouring to get you to accept a state of focus and to be highly protective of that state of focus, because whatever sits there as common thought is reality. And by changing the ulterior motives in each of you intentionally helps dramatically alter the anatomy of common thought, you see, because if you are an unhappy person inside, your common thought just keeps reflecting that. They just keep going out into your life.
Now, I want you to listen to thist because, the seed of their flowering, is the ulterior motive. If you are a revengeful person, you have hate in your heart, that is a seed, and it flowers common thought from it. Then an everyday exchange has an opportunity to be a flowering of life. Here we have a flowering person literally. That is the garden! That is the consciousness that is flowering in some of you. Well, That common thought Is reality.
And the idea is - that if we can open up your chest, tear up all of the garbage that is in it, burnish those shelves and put one beautiful, brilliant thing there, that that becomes the ulterior motive - then the flowering of common thought from that, will be assured that you will have a magical life and a sweet life; a life that is empowered, that is one with nature instead of warring against it – a life that allows the dream to come about quickly. You know, it is a light; the way you feel in light body, not in body.
And on the Plane of Bliss our ulterior motive there is not buried – it’s on the surface – and from that there is a flowering of long dreams. Those who have the remarkable dreams of the future, that so analogical are they and such a long time are they in that state that when they incarnate, they seem to have a whole different agenda than the rest of humanity.
They are not normal in the sense that other people are normal. What interest other people may interest them mildly for moments but you begin to see that the thrust of this individual is much different, marginally different than people who do not come back with great dreams. And this, becomes their ulterior motive; even as children, and that motive starts to build their life. And they may build up rust and crust just from the harrowing experiences of society and cultures, but, for the most part, so integrated is the dream from Bliss, the desire from Bliss, that it stays right underneath the surface. And all common thought, that comes from it, though tainted by surface corrosion, is by and large, much more powerful. These lives are going to be meaningful lives because the ulterior motive in them is meaningful – very meaningful. See it as an innate goal that has been set into place.
When you don’t dream those dreams and you are coming back with your mixed bag of things that you have to take care of, then those are the ulterior motives that sit inside of you, and you come back. If you were a harsh entity before, you are going to come back as that once again so that you have an opportunity in your harshness to override it and turn it over. And you are going to have the exact kind of individuals in your life, as you did in the last life, because it takes they - who are endeavouring to learn too – for that exchange to occur. So everything in one’s life is an opportunity to elevate, it’s an opportunity to evolve and to change.
Now the soul: the soul feels here – chest – it’s an electrical occurrence under the rib cage where the chest meet – and why does it send you those messages? Because what we lay down in the carrier soul when we return IS the life plan for this existence – current. And that life plan says - when we finish our contemplation, I am going to be better. And then, the opportunity arises and we fall back into the past patterns - remember that the garbage can outweigh meaningfulness. We have a lot of garbage in there, and if we fall on that saying – well that is just how I am – well, that is honourable, but now, is not it honourable to say that this is my opportunity to change that in myself?
Do I or don’t I want to evolve? Do I want to grow or not? Do I want to partake of a life that I don’t work so hard anymore in it - that I have laid down the good work in this life and that one day – because I am not finished here, I can’t go anywhere else because my business is here; because I am too primitive to go anywhere else and too advanced to go somewhere else; I am caught right where I created it to be – that I come back and have clarity and be so unattached but powerful? Yes, so somewhere we have to make up our mind to do the work!
Now, when we go against that, you get this pain right here – chest. How many of you have felt it again? You should listen to it! You should always listen to it because this, is a log you laid down on Bliss.
To go against it is then to have to repeat it! When do you get tired of doing that? Sometime you have to take a stand and make war and conquer self. Bring it on, and sharpen your sword and march! And I don’t care but it is a humbling experience – greatness comes from humbleness. Humble people are daringly bold – they are ostentatious.
When we live by this, when we feel fear in here – gut – remember, the feelings are all the same – Who is saying what This is? We are saying what this is. What are we afraid of? We always have to ask that question: why am I afraid? Am I afraid of the confrontation? Am I afraid to be honest? What is the fear that I am feeling? Or is that which I am feeling here being misinterpreted? Most of the time it is, because people don’t like to deal with their own conscience. That is why you have to have the whole self in the light review, because to view it from the self of personality is painful and it is difficult. That is the reason why the Observer is standing there, the Holy Spirit is there, that it can be switched with absolute love and support so that, what can be seen will not be fearful. Our greatest fear is to make contact with our conscience and we avoid it. That is what happens here.
Now you have returned and are going to return with a bag of goodies. A lot of them just aren’t pretty at all, but a lot of them are exquisite. And, you are beautiful and you know that, and there are parts of you that love what you are. Maybe the wretchedness of you it far outweighs, but looks for a little something. Hold onto it every day – say I love - this – about myself.
You know, that is a purposeful good.
And you have to also put a smile on your face and say – what is so marvellous about all this, that these troubles that I have in my life , this personality that I have that is so hard to get along with, is that I know that about me. But what I celebrate is, that I am so powerful I made me that way, and that is refreshing because I am really on the path to turning it around. I know that I had the power to put it there. I know that I have the power to erase it! Understand and maybe that is the only little thing than you can find that is sparkling about you, but that is enough.
There are others of you, who are going to have just a whole lot of goodness. There is a whole great, long margin of joy – huge. That joy is a natural effervescence of someone who has conquered themselves. You know, there is more of that joy in their life that there is depression. These people have mastered! And that mastery is not about mastering other people; it is about us. They have a natural state of joy that is a little disturbing because it almost smacks that they are really disinterested in your problems. But the fact is, they are! They really are – and you know, that just fries you! It fries you because; you want people to feel sorry for you. And the people who don’t, you are not going to cater to them. You want the woe-is-me group – well, look around – if you are one of them, they too too are looking for someone to play that game with.
But, you see, joy is a release and it is also wisdom and that is what we get when we love ourselves enough to tackle our crap. To expect someone else to do it for us is meaningless. I, as your Teacher, will not make you happy. I am here to tell you what you are – and you get to make choices from that – and to give you excellent knowledge that you can start to integrate, and to give you hope and to keep reminding you I am talking to Gods out here. I am talking to immortals that are so powerful that they can believe themselves into eternal death – that is how powerful you are and I am talking to you – Gods.
You see, that is what you keep forgetting – that is the pristine message. That’s what you are going to know at the light. You know, you were worth coming and taking a second look at. Don’t you see that?
That is what you keep forgetting, that you are a Divine Being. And that is so sweet because, it means that you exist in the bosom of God, and that in there, the only condemnation you ever have had is from yourself.
And the only – only – reprieval that you will ever get is from yourself. And isn’t that the way a sovereign should be?
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