In this game called Life you have to have self-realization because your birth was divine. And Divinity by nature is to be Realized. The greatest marvel in life is that, every day gives us the platform to be born anew with each sunrise, to unmask the illusions of our limitations and to encourage us to overcome our obstacles with the divine power that resides within us all.
To master adversity in health, success, happiness, wealth and Spirit, you have to be of a philosophy of gifting to yourself and to others all that you are and all that you are becoming. To do anything else is to stagnate!
You were born with genius in you and it must be brought to sunlight to enable your insight and to magnetize it. But, the pearls of wisdom can never be created without friction or adversity.
Let's take a look at these adversities you are facing head-on!
Your conditions right now, are thought made. If you change your thinking, you will change your reality!
But, whilst you are in the midst of your challenges allow me to point out that, if you struggle in the quicksand of adversity, you are certain to dig yourself in deeper. If you bemoan your difficulties with other people, you will find your problems multiplying as its now shared Consciousness. You have heard the saying:"Misery loves company". In the case of sharing it yourself, you are engaging that exponential energy expansion and, you find yourself the bearer of its effects in your life.
If your adversity is too dire and your troubles so severe, that you feel robbed of even thinking of solutions, then take a nap! You've heard people say "Sleep on it" right?
Many of the Greats in our history, know the value of sleep deriving a resolution. So, when you are laden too harshly with your problems and they are such that you cannot think of how to resolve them, then take a few hours sleep. And, in your slumber, allow the body to rejuvenate, regenerate and, give your Mind time to do its own work subconsciously. It will align itself, with finding the key to sorting out the challenges you are having sleepless nights over.
Once you have rested and feel more yourself, then Look at your conditions again. You have made a new start and the world is at your command once again. Leave the past where it belongs; back There! And remember, you are not your conditions. Only You have been holding on to them. Your self-pity, blaming your circumstances on external factors and playing the victim has not served to resolve or dissolve anything. If you are still doing it, after your rest then, stop. You have been given a new start. So begin afresh, with new attitudes too!
You can start with understanding these points:
1. Is your WILL asleep?
Set your Mind to new thought, to new purpose. Be filled with renewed interest and enthusiasm!
2. Make your Body your Sublime Engine
Take to the woods, the beach, nature in all its glory. Wrap yourself in the beauty of all you see. Feel the pulse of all living things and realize they are beating in time with your own heart.
Drop your tension and apprehensions and, allow your body its replenishment. Let your Spirit be emblazoned by the wonderment, of your Oneness with all that is in existence. And, on days when you cannot be there in person, then take a few moments in the day, to revisit your 'spot' in Mind. It will be a tonic to your whole Being!
3. Make you Mind a Work of Art
Your capacities are limitless. You were born to lead. You have been gifted, with the power to think for yourself. Plan and train your Mind to think alone. Up to now you have been miserable because, the rust encroached on a mind that had stopped. You had given yourself over to just going with "Whatever". You are better than that! You are better than you have even imagined you are. Build palaces of thought. Build mansions of possibility. Create, originate and produce new ideas. Let your imagination run free. The monotony of your past was slowly murdering your brain and you allowed it to dull the superb power of your will. NO MORE!
Get rid of your prejudices and limitations. Think well of yourself! Think invincibility; think persistence and unflinching resolve. When you are that focused then CONCENTRATE your actions with:
- Getting to the route of your conditions
- Planning how to resolve it
- Work your plan and adjust where necessary
- DO it!
When accomplished, have some fun. After all, joy begets more joy!
4. Make your WILL your Power
Your Will is supreme power! It is your personal power! It is Divine energy. Fear, doubt and accepting that its your 'fate', are the children of a conditioned imagination and of a defeated soul.
The power of your Will CAN dissolve anything!
- WILL power into your work
- WILL power into your ambitions
- WILL power into your dreams
- WILL power into your relationships and interactions
- WILL power into your life
- WILL power into your expression of Self
- WILL power into your words
WILL is your clarity beacon. With clarity you have vision. With vision you have purpose. With purpose you have Presence. With Presence you have Destiny!
Your WILL imbues you with the strength and fortitude to face your adversities and conquer them. YOUR WILL endows you with higher ideals and infinite aspirations. Your WILL opens up your Absolute Realities!
Believe in it, endeavour toward it, reach forth to receive it and your tomorrows will be that Truth.
WILL, will put your back-bone where your wish-bone is now.
And always remember that, when you miss an opportunity, your WILL, will always march on ready to open wide the doors to hundreds more.
WILL is the KEY to mastering adversity and the unlocking of this world which awaits your PRESENCE in it.
Make yourself FELT!!!
Hi I'm A.V.(everyone calls me that) and I have established myself as a top coaching specialist/analyst and do my part to improve world economies through advanced people potential skills.
I am well respected as a foremost expert on personal and professional advancement. I have become quite well known and renowned to my students as well as clients as a coach,growth consultant, seminar facilitator, public speaker, change agent and soon to be author.
Having also been involved in the Spiritual side of Life, I am a Light-worker who lends herself to all aspects of the Life Force, energy in Quantum Mechanics. I have taught, coached, counselled candidates for various fields of alternative medicine, healing arts and various aspects of the premises of the creation process!
Please feel free to visit my corporate website for further information and I look forward to being of service to you!
My site: http://avatarinc.yolasite.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Angelica_Valerio
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6865534
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