Funny how life gives us the platform from which to test our boundaries and theories where we should be testing our living instead.
In my teens, I was assaulted by the visuals of war and the intricacies of what the aftermath left in its wake. During those times, I guess, I developed the consciousness of wanting to save the world from its cruelties.
How does one, at the tender age of 11, equalize the horrors of what a war can do from the eyes of a youngster? How does one justify it to kids and to life itself? How does one explain it to wives, mothers what losing them can do to a nation?
Once I left my own country (Angola) as a refugee to relocate in South Africa, it began to germinate something in me. All these personal experiences began to seize my soul with the desire to alter all the ways in which we hurt each other. I realized that it all begins in the mind. It is born there, the idea of hurting each other whether by orders of governmental rule or by personal inclination giving in under the guise of war or politics or religion or in the marketplace.
How many places in life do we have opportunity to want to retaliate against something we perceive to be of danger to ourselves? And we immediately begin to think of ways to 'get back' at them. All born of the mind in an effort to protect ourselves.
The fact is, that, whatever we do in mind has already happened. And we further hurt ourselves, with all that type of thinking, that just keeps us bound to those reactions. Now, multiply that with every thought of that nature in this world, every minute of the day, and you may have a very negative energy infected area of influence.
Once I could come to the understanding that for me to change anything, I had to first change myself, change my thinking, I was then brought to the realization that I could not save the world.
What would I be saving them from? And what did they need me to save them for?
I noticed, that people don't need saving. They don't need someone to stop them from the lessons they need to learn on their own. All I could do, was offer them the lessons I had learned along the way and by sharing them, to perhaps, minimize their continued suffering.
That is now my more feasible mission, if you will. To share all that I have learned. And to trust that, that will be of help to anyone who can resonate with it. In this, I place my trust, that I contribute to the overall happiness and well-being of my fellow man.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Angelica_Valerio
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